Our Services

Paediatric Physiotherapy

Paediatric physiotherapy

Paediatric physiotherapy is a branch of physiotherapy that treats children from birth to 18 years of age. It can help develop gross motor skills, strength and coordination to promote independence, function and mobility.

At New Horizons Rehabilitation Services Inc. therapists use their extensive experience and a variety of techniques to develop a tailored therapy program to help your child reach their potential. Therapists have experience using play based therapy, NDT (neuro-developmental treatment), CME (Cuevas Medek Exercises) and RMT (Rhythmic Movement Training) approaches. For more information on specific approaches, see below. 


Therapists have experience working with children with a variety of needs including:

• Genetic Conditions

  • Down’s Syndrome
  • Prader Willi Syndrome
  • Angelman's Syndrome

• Cerebral Palsy

• Global Developmental Delay

• Gross Motor Delay

• Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury

• Muscular Dystrophy

• Torticollis 

• Hypotonia

• Developmental Coordination Disorder

• Autism

• General Orthopedic conditions 

  • Plagiocephaly
  • Clubfeet
  • Toe Walking



CME stands for Cuevas Medek Exercises and is a psychomotor therapy approach for children and infants with developmental delays. Delays can be for no known cause or a variety of known disorders or syndromes.  Therapy can start as early as 3 months of age.

Therapy consists of an assessment, and exercises which use gravity to provoke an automatic postural response from the child to achieve head control, trunk control, standing and stepping. CME uses the concept of distal support rather than hand to hand support or use of equipment such as walkers. It is also different then other styles of therapy, in that a child's motivation and cooperation are not required. 

If you would like to learn more about CME or if it’s appropriate for your child please contact Erin.


Neuro-Developmental Treatment approach combines motor control theories and motor learning basics into an approach that focuses on improved function. The therapist can use a variety of handling techniques to focus on alignment and postural control to increase strength, improve a movement or functional activity. 

If you would like to learn more about NDT or if it’s appropriate for your child please contact Erin.


Rhythmic Movement Training is a technique that focuses on integrating/maturing any primitive reflexes your child may have retained.  The therapist can passively perform or teach the client to actively perform specific exercises consisting of rhythmic movements.  These mimic the natural rhythmic movements that occur during typical development.  They can help improve body posture, endurance and improve attention and concentration.

If you would like to learn more about RMT or if it’s appropriate for your child please contact Erin.

Funding Options

Do you have limited physiotherapy benefits coverage? Our therapists are knowledgeable regarding possible alternative funding sources.